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Trump asked Fuentes about his 2024 announcement speech the week before and Fuentes criticized Trump for being too "teleprompter" scripted and having low energy, the source said.

Trumps actions while president have been called "a very aggressive attempt to rewrite our laws and reinterpret the meaning of environmental protections."[243] Deregulation

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Trump fired numerous inspectors general of agencies, including those who were probing the Trump administration and close Trump associates. In 2020, he fired five inspectors general in two months. The Washington Post wrote, "For the first time since the system was created in the aftermath of the Watergate scandal, inspectors general find themselves under systematic attack from the president, putting independent oversight of federal spending and operations at risk."[24] Dismissal of James Comey

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During his tenure, Trump repeatedly sought to intervene in the economy to affect specific companies and industries.[212] Trump sought to compel power grid operators to buy coal and nuclear energy, and sought tariffs on metals to protect domestic metal producers.[212] Trump also publicly attacked Boeing and Lockheed Martin, sending their stocks tumbling.

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As a candidate and as president, Trump frequently accused the press of bias, calling it the "fake news media" and "the enemy of the people".

[653] In May 2017, the Department of Justice appointed Robert Mueller as special counsel to investigate "any links and/or coordination between Russian government and individuals associated with the campaign of President Donald Trump, and any matters that arose or may arise directly from the investigation".[654]

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[819] The Washington Post reported that Trump's atypically lavish lifestyle is far more expensive to the taxpayers than what was typical of former presidents and could end up in the hundreds of millions of dollars over the whole of Trump's term.[820]

[742] As his presidency progressed, he failed to take steps or show interest in further distancing himself from his business interests resulting in numerous potential conflicts.[743] Ethics experts found Trump's plan to jair bolsonaro filhos address conflicts of interest between his position as president and his private business interests to be entirely inadequate.[744] Unlike every other president in the last quarenta years, Trump did not put his business interests in a blind trust or equivalent arrangement "to bolsonaro jair wikipedia cleanly sever himself from his business interests".[744] In January 2018, a year into his presidency, Trump owned stakes in hundreds of businesses.[745]

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